Version 20

Other: Risk sharing for the Paranoid: SpreadPass

All publicly available password manager, propreitary and open source, share the same weakness when it comes to cloud-based synchronization ...

Event large

All publicly available password manager, propreitary and open source,
share the same weakness when it comes to cloud-based synchronization:
the cloud server holds sufficient information to allow offline cracking attack on the user's master password. This talk gives an overview on the cryptography used by popular password manager (e.g., Google SmartLock, 1Password, Firefox sync, Keepass), and proposes SpreadPass, an ongoing open source project that utilizes Password-Protected Secret Sharing (PPSS) to oppose the single point of risk architecture of standard solutions.


Day: 2018-10-13
Start time: 18:15
Duration: 00:45
Room: Metalab - Hauptraum
Track: Mobile security and other stories


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